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The games

Takattak A la Récré is the new name for Takattak Family. So, it's the same game.

Takattak À la Récré : For ages 8 to 12, roughly. You can play at a younger age but not much younger. Adults can also play with Takattak A la Récré. 

Takattak Classique : It's a game for adults because it deals quite a bit with work situations. However, since it was my first game, I played a lot with younger people with it, even children. That's actually how I got the idea to create Takattak A la Récré.

Takattak Trash : It was specially designed for teenagers and adults. From the age of 14, you can gift it without hesitation. You can give it from the age of 12 BUT, you should choose the cards beforehand (depending on the issue you want to address. For example, you only take the "racism" cards. The cards in the Trash game correspond to real-life situations, but there's no need to expose young people to them too early.

Satyrik : For all ages, if you play with the blue cards. For the red cards (expert level), wait until 14 years old.

Skinooly (the newcomer): As you wish. Skinooly spans all ages. Not all questions are suitable for younger players (like "share a childhood memory from when you were between 10 and 15 years old" if the child is 9), but you'll find great joy, no matter your age.

Moi non plus je ne savais pas acheter de maisons avant de jouer au Monopoly ! :)  

Rassurez-vous, c'est justement à ça que sert le Takattak : à développer la répartie. Le fait d'avoir des consignes précises vous aide. Dans la vraie vie, on ne pense pas forcément à répondre par une autodérision ou une pirouette. Et pourtant, ça pourrait vous sauvez des soirées ! Plus vous vous entrainez, plus vous devenez doué·e. Vous allez vous étonner !

Une seule consigne : ne renoncez pas à la première difficulté. Ça vient toujours. C'est comme le vélo. Au début, on tombe. Et puis... pfiout !

Because if there were cards with all the possible answers (over 500 per game, plus those from combined cards, that's... a lot!), it would be very funny, but it wouldn't teach you verbal self-defense. And when someone makes an inappropriate remark, you'd be defenseless. The only way to learn is to create them. Not to repeat known retorts, which, when the time comes, wouldn't serve you at all.

But you're not left with nothing: there are examples in each game manual (freely accessible on the website, under each game), and we have a Facebook page where you'll find numerous suggestions. (And where you can also practice.)

New: after careful consideration, and a lot of requests from you, we've been thinking.

And we caved in and put together a file with the comebacks from the Chrono card of Takattak A la Récré. The others will follow. (PDF for sale on the Takattak A la Récré game page)

Absolutely. Satyrik is for that: unlocking situations by playing, communicating through drawings.

I already hear your next question: Do you need to know how to draw? No, definitely not. You just need to know how to hold a pencil, that's all.

Yes, there have already been some. I can offer them upon request. You can sign up through the contact form. You'll receive a short questionnaire, and I'll send you the Zoom link.

You send the story via PM. You decide if you want to use your name, a nickname, initials, etc. I will get back to you shortly. When it's posted, you can interact with the people who make suggestions or remain completely anonymous. That'shere.

Yes. Whether for children, teenagers, or adults, come see We have a team of professionals you can also consult remotely.

With pleasure. The workshop " Esprit de répartie" can be adapted into a conference (+/- 1H30) or a training session lasting a few hours. In any case, it will be interactive and participatory.

If you desire a certified training, it takes place over two days. We organize it starting from 10 participants.

Shipments, etc.

For Belgium, contact  Zébulon

For France and Switzerland, contact  Jeu Délire 

Aside from this website and Amazon, you can find the games in many stores. It's even better to buy them from local shops near you. The list of stores ishere. We try to update it as often as possible. Don't hesitate to contact them to find out if they have the games you're particularly interested in.

For Belgium, contact  Zébulon

For France and Switzerland, contact  Jeu Délire 

If you purchased it before January 17, here's what you need to do:

(Starting from January 17, you'll receive it automatically in your email inbox upon receipt of payment)

You go to your order form, and under the name of the game, you'll find the tab: downloads. It's there.

Of course. To the other side of the world if you want. Contact us for shipping costs. (With tracking)

However, if you can have it delivered to a neighboring country, it avoids losses and the sometimes exorbitant costs of postage.