What type of response to choose?

1 November 2023 by
What type of response to choose?
Si-Trouille Editions
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There are 1,000 ways to strike back. Have fun juggling the different proposals.


You don't want to hurt the stitcher? Prefer the pirouette and move on, taking a deep breath. If it's a stranger taunting you on the street, you can be insolent (unless it's 2 a.m. and you're on a deserted street), or try to make your cynical father-in-law laugh with a touch of self-mockery.


If your superior pokes you, let loose with a compliment. Yes, especially if he's been unpleasant with you, and it's in public, it'll throw him off. And of course, the truth always has its effect. Yes, you have put on 3 kilos, it's the chocolate's fault.


If you're a literary type, you'll love the "Intello" version. It'll give you time to refine your response.


As for the belligerent, they can sharpen their flints with the "Crescendo" version.


Let the fun begin!

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What type of response to choose?
Si-Trouille Editions 1 November 2023
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